Showing posts with label legal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legal. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

28. Is the problem of legal and judicial corruption really different or better in other countries, or is it just the same as in America?

USA people tend not to travel very much outside the USA, and often do not even own a passport - so they often assume other countries have the same kind of crooked, rigged, oppressive legal system, even though it's actually much better in every other developed nation.

In terms of corruption, bribery and oppression of the innocent, the USA legal system is as bad as what you can imagine occurs in a sleazy and totally corrupt country in the developing world. The long period of wealth and USA imperial power, seems to have encouraged USA judicial corruption past the point of no return. It is a giant monster of a system, fuelled and funded by the richest resources of any country on earth. There is nothing like it.

It is truly better in all other developed, advanced nations, than it is in America. Americans are more oppressed by the law, by lawyers, and by crooked courts, than in any other developed economy. It's a funny equation - in America, more lawyers equal more crime, more prisoners, and less justice.

In comparing other Western societies, it can be argued that the Anglo-American type of legal system, with its roots in English law, and where lawyers can make lots of money arguing about 'precedents', is really the inferior one, because it tends to overly enlarge the place of law in people's lives. And the USA has taken the defects of this system, to an absurd extreme.

On the European continent, with its differing system with roots in the Roman and French civil codes, the law is a lesser part of social life, and there is less general fear of law, of lawyers, and of abuse by the legal system. In Western Europe, there is hardly anyone in prison compared to the USA - 1 out of 1000 in many Western European countries, versus 1 out of 150 in the USA. And there is much less fear of assets being seized through police seizures and judicial extortions conducted in the courts.

Although it does seem that Europe is now falling under the influence of all those Hollywood movies and TV shows with USA courtroom scenes, and is starting to be influenced by USA-based legal trends - including judges taking a more 'activist' role in trying to shape public policy.

In the English kind of system, there is a legal culture that is based on lawyers arguing at great length about precedents and historical cases, every time they are in court. The lawyers like this because they make more money from rich clients, and can just argue endlessly about this and about that. It makes for more money and more of a cult of lawyers.

In Great Britain, Canada and Australia, for example, which all share the same roots in the English legal system, you can see a fraction - of the American cult of law and lawsuits. The British, in particular, are starting to develop a little bit of the American-style zest for lawsuits, maybe after watching so many American movies about lawsuits, and realizing they could play the same game. And sometimes, from these countries, you can read and hear about cases of lawyer corruption, that sound like the typical American corruption. But it is not anywhere near as widespread a problem in the other Anglo countries, as in the United States.

Even though they share the same English-based common law legal system, none of these countries has the same degree of American-style legal disease. In all of them, there is less crime, a smaller percentage of people in prison, fewer lawsuits, and much less oppression by lawyers and judges.

The situation is even better on the continent of Europe, where the legal systems with roots in the Roman and French legal codes, function in a simpler way. Living in Europe, many people hardly think about the law in their lives. There's quite little crime, by USA standards, and very few people in prison. Prison sentences are usually pretty short, too, especially for a first offense.

In Europe, lawsuits have been relatively rare; things like that have been often handled informally. Lawsuits are actively discouraged, especially silly or nonsensical ones; and there can be heavy penalties for those who file nonsense cases. And there is no similar cult of lawyers as in the USA. Lawyers are just other working professional people, and often don't make as much money.

In Europe and elsewhere, the law and courts are just not as big of a factor in people's lives. Overall, people more often trust the courts, and expect justice when they go to court. They expect the judge to be fair, and not political at all, even though the judge might have some private and very strong political opinions.

In Europe, you tend to hear very little of American-style complaints about legal and judicial corruption. The judges tend to very explicitly stay out of politics. They have traditionally tried to avoid 'inventing new law from the judicial bench'. The classic European idea is that laws and policies are for the parliament or legislature, and the judges very specifically have tended to defer uncertain matters to the legislators, who have long been more considered the voice of the people.

Europe has always remained much closer and more sensitive to the idea of popular revolution, ever since the events of France in 1789. In countries that are significantly smaller than the USA, it is much easier to have 'people power', people in the streets - although as we have seen in various 'colour revolutions' linked to the CIA and various oligarchs, such 'revolutions' can also be manipulated events as well.

The wars in Europe and their aftermath, have also been the source of revolutionary circumstances. In the USA, the judges are more arrogant, feeling themselves the high priests and kings of a giant empire that has seemed like it would last forever. In Europe, the judges have more humility ... huge wars and revolutions and societal upheavals have taken place, witnessed by people still living. People are more aware this can happen again. Although now in the USA as the 2020s begin, the United States seems to be edging closer to revolutionary circumstances as well.

There are a number of more particular reasons why other advanced nations, in Europe, Canada and elsewhere, have better legal systems than in America. One thing is the fact that in all these other countries, lawyers are an independent profession, which is not as much under the control of anyone else, whereas in America, lawyers must be somewhat more like slaves to the judges, or else lose their right to practice law.

But the biggest overall reason why other developed nations have much better legal systems, is because they have somewhat more genuine democracy, and governments that are more in fear and awe of the common people - an aspect of being closer to revolutions and the revolutionary heritage, as noted above. Democracy that is not just a word, but a real, effective, multi-party democracy, where people feel they have representatives who really speak for them. And democracy is at the top of the political system, not the judges, which makes the courts a better place.

In a typical European country, you have a thriving multi-party political system in the parliament - not like in America where there are the somewhat phoney 'two parties' who mostly both get their money from the same corporations and wealthy class of political donors.

In Continental Europe, there might be a few large political parties, but also several smaller ones, thanks to 'proportional representation', so even small parties have seats in parliament. If your party gets 10 per cent of the vote, you may get 10 per cent of the seats in a parliament. Whereas in the USA, a political party can get one-third of the vote, and have no seats in Congress at all.

In Europe, the political parties cover a much bigger range of views, and it is much easier to start a political party. It takes much less money to start a party or campaign. So there are left-wingers, right wingers, socialists, ex-communists, animal rights advocates, people who like big business, people who hate big business, people who want more rights for working people, people who represent immigrant-heritage citizens, and so on. It is lively, and even fun. So even the smaller political groups, get a voice, and get heard. Most people get to see some elected representatives yelling and shouting on their behalf. It is rather satisfying, even if you don't have the biggest party, because even the minority point of view influences the law-making or at least has its voice heard.

Also, the government is often a coalition of various parties. And the prime minister, is herself or himself, very close to the elected representatives, and can lose her his job tomorrow if he does something wrong. The parliament can vote, and call a new election; you don't need an impeachment.

The parliament system seems to work better, than the big USA two-party political machine. In Europe, if the public is concerned about an issue, it is often debated quickly in parliament. People do not wait for years for some judge to decide something, after a long string of lawsuits, as happens in the USA.

In Europe, people do not worry so much about the politics or appointment of judges, as they do in the USA. In Europe, judges come from the full range of the political spectrum, but they have limited powers. No one worries about appointing some high court judge, and then being imprisoned by that judge's decisions for the next 20 years because he has been allowed to exercise lifelong political power over the country, as in the USA.

People in Europe expect the judges to be professional and not twist the law to suit their purposes. If there are changes needed in the law, the parliament will do that itself, not the judges. The judge can protect the innocent, but he does not have the USA-type ability to manage the political life of the country. In Europe, people look to the parliament, not the judges, for making changes in law and in society. And that is always available. They never feel trapped, like Americans do with their Supreme Court. The parliament can change things right away, if change is needed.

Of course in Europe things are changing, and many things can be criticised. To a certain degree, Europe's supra-natonal structures, the EU and Council of Europe and the international courts of European justice and human rights, have been setting policies through judicial rulings, that are not always well-received by individual European nations and groups of citizens.

From a certain, more superficial point of view, Europe can seem 'less free' to USA citizens who focus on a few particular social practices. Although tens of millions of European civilian citizens own handguns, shotguns, and rifles, Europe does not have the 'gun carry' laws common amongst USA states. Some of the commentary on historical and social issues you find on USA websites, is judicially considered 'racist' or illegal under European national laws, and there a few people jailed in Europe for things that in the USA don't raise criminal-law issues. Although the USA internet tech companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook, now censor and erase much material from the internet now without even suggesting the material is non-legal.

But in the big picture of how free your life and personal freedom and property is, Europe is the better place, simply because it does not have the huge machine of legal injustice and human life destruction, that one sees in USA courts and lawyers.

Yet in the USA, there is this whole cult of the law and lawyers and judges, promoting their power and hiding their tendencies to corruption. There is a USA fiction that the law is 'above' politics, plus 'supreme' like the Supreme Court, when actually of course, USA judges are supremely political. The false image of judges in America, promotes them as a kind of 'priesthood' of law, at the same time that judges are given all kinds of absurd power, which really should belong to the people themselves.

In Europe, it has long been understand that it works better the other way around. In Europe, they don't pretend the judges are gods, so they haven't been putting courts higher than the democracy. They have historically understood the danger that judges might start to get political - so that precisely has kept the judges from being political, exactly because everyone understands the danger, and there are multiple political parties to keep an eye on things. In Europe, if some judge starts getting political or twisted in his decisions, then it is likely that someone in parliament will start complaining about it, and steps may well be taken to restore fairness and modesty to the judge's role.

Instead of a cult of law and judges, there has been more of a genuine respect for voters and democracy, which ends up being better, even for the courts and the judges, who wind up being more truly of service to the public.

In a nutshell, there's no substitute for true, genuine popular democracy, and in the USA the smothering of democracy has long been underway, in part by the judges, and the cult of the law and lawyers, taking its place. Big corporations and the wealthy prefer judicial dominance, because it helps them to maintain power and profits, along with the 'two-party system' which quashes all other parties to help maintain the whole scheme. In Europe, corporations and rich people must be more socially responsible, because there are usually several political parties in parliament who are not afraid to question them.

In the USA, democracy has, sadly, just become a shadow of itself now, despite all the USA boasting about the 'land of freedom'. Big corporations and oligarchs in the USA, pay for both of the two political parties, which both support the cult of lawyers and judges as a way to serve the wealthy against the commoners

Because there has been much less effective political opposition allowed in a system rigged both politically and judicially, the USA cult of judges and lawyers is out of control, and there is almost no restraint on their power. This is the background of the endless particular cases of legal and judicial corruption in the USA, with so many tragic victims.

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29. So what can I do to fight my personal battle against judicial and legal corruption - or is it just hopeless?

This FAQ has tried to help victims understand, what typically is going on as people look for help in fighting against USA judicial and legal corruption. These web pages have tried to show what is behind the frustration and agony of victims of American injustice, as they look for help from new and different lawyers; from the Bar that supervises lawyers; from the judges who receive complaints about other judges; from law professors; from police and prosecutors; from politicians; from 'civil rights' and 'civil liberties' groups, and other non-profit organisations; and from news media and journalists.

Very commonly and tragically, it all often comes to the same dead end. No one will help you as a legal system victim. People who know your plight avoid you, and it seems hardly anyone even knows how to advise you.

And furthermore, as a victim you sense how you face grave dangers if you try to fight back or challenge judicial and legal corruption in the United States. You face harassment, threats, lawsuits and bankruptcy, and false criminal charges, and illegal jailings. You face slander by news media, by websites and social media accounts run by your tormentors, and by the fraudulent internet 'reference encyclopaedias' and 'fact-checking' sites, and all the various venues of the rich and powerful, making all sorts of attempts to discredit you.

People may even threaten to murder you, and you might have to leave the country in the end, like other victims, such as the author of these pages. In the end, if you have rock-solid documentation of your position, and place it widely on the internet, their final tactics may range from bribing judges to order your websites shut down and you to be banned and censored from internet search results ... or just to ignore you and pretend you don't exist, whilst the establishment-friendly web search engines push your own web postings so low, almost no one can find them.

You can likely feel very lonely, as perhaps even old friends abandon you, not wanting to associate with someone like you who has now become a target and a victim. Most people in America just try to continue leading a normal life, in quiet subconscious fear of the big ugly legal machine they sense is there behind the façade, people just hoping that they won't get attacked and destroyed by that machine like you have been attacked.

Ancient Greek writer Thucydides summarised the philosophy of power as, "The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must." This is a phrase that applies to life in the modern USA. As a victim of American legal corruption, you find yourself among the weak and powerless. And that is painful, especially in a culture like America that values and prizes power and strength.

Obviously you just must try to survive in some way, as best you can. As far as your particular legal case goes, you are at least better prepared, if you understand the forces that you are up against, and this FAQ has hopefully given you some of the tools of understanding, and being mentally ready for the next disappointment or attack by the gangsters who surround you.

Although it is unlikely you be able to find a lawyer. who will directly fight USA judicial and legal corruption, you may be lucky enough to find a good hearted lawyer who will, somewhat timidly, try to protect you from having too much harm done to you. Just remember that the lawyer has his own reasons to be afraid, and will tend to be very timid and limited in what he will do.

Also, remember that many lawyers will tell lies and make false promises, when in fact they are thieves and criminals who will sell you out to other lawyers and to the judges. Be careful what you say to them, or how much money you give to them. Maybe you will find a lawyer, who can bribe or talk a judge into softening or diminishing what happens to you. But beware of lawyers' promises; they often lie to little people, seeking to just steal your last bit of money and do nothing for you.

Remember that the system wants you to appear submissive to what they are doing to you. Trying to fight back with anger is dangerous, as they tend to take much bigger revenge on you. So you need to weigh your strategy carefully. Sometimes you can gently fight back a little, while also appearing to be submissive for example. Every case is different, and the risks are high. It is quite regrettable there are not more resources, or people, or lawyers to help.

If you become a target of American legal or judicial corruption, it is natural to think about whether escape is an option. If your situation is a more minor one, you can consider a path of escape to some other region of America, where you are not in the immediate neighborhood of the same criminals. Or you may be one of the many people for whom it is time to escape the USA, there being now some millions of us US citizens living abroad. It may be better to just leave America and struggle to survive elsewhere, than to hang around and think you will accomplish something within America's crooked and near-hopeless legal system, if you have become a significant target of USA judge-lawyer mafias.

The US media doesn't want to tell you the stories of people who have been forced to leave America, the so-called 'great land of freedom'. But actually, of the millions of USA citizens living outside USA borders, many of them are not coming back.

If you do not have a criminal record and a little bit of money, and some skills, you can consider countries like Canada or Australia, who have been actively looking for immigrants. If you have a parent or ancestors who were born overseas, you may qualify for citizenship in the countries of your heritage.

Political asylum in other countries can be a difficult process, and a last resort, but for special cases of people who have been human rights victims in America, it may be necessary to ask for this. This is not easy, and most countries in the world are not seeking to openly oppose the big USA bully. With evidence you are a victim, countries may indeed let you stay, but on a somewhat 'informal' basis without explicitly giving your name to media as someone who merited the right to asylum.

We are in a time when more and more of the world is realising that the USA has a corrupt, unjust and politically perverted legal system. Extradition requests by the USA are already being denied and halted, as other countries realise there is no guarantee of a 'fair trial' in corrupt and rigged USA courts. In the not-too distant future, asylum requests from USA citizens, who are victims of the USA courts and government, may become much more normalised, given the lack of justice in American courts.

But for those who stay in the USA, or who feel they cannot leave, and where the legal system mafia does not threaten death as they did in my case, the people who stay just often wind up submitting to the rape of their lives by American courts and lawyers. These victims, and you may be one of them, just accept the separation from their children, the prison terms, the financial destruction, the payment of extortion money to lawyers, and then live always with the inner sickness of knowing that they are helpless victims, and that there is no justice in this life for them, until perhaps after a USA revolution so complete it will even displace the judge-lawyer mafia.

You may find some comfort on the internet, as you wind up reading about, and connecting with, other victims of the legal system. Many of these stories and websites are very hard to read, however, as the anguish of the victims comes through in what they write.

Joining a web forum where other legal system victims are telling the stories, can be a bit depressing, as you see victims try and try again, all the avenues discussed above in this FAQ. One sees too often, how lonely and helpless people feel when they are the victims of American judicial and legal corruption, given the lack of support, how no one will help them, and how almost no one even wants to hear their stories.

 Psychologists can identify a 'legal abuse syndrome', where the victims of law and injustice, show the awful trauma of their experiences, which tend to include a major shock given that the degree of corruption and abuse is nearly always somewhat unexpected, until you yourself become a victim.

You may be tempted to tell your own story on the internet, and put up some of your own websites telling what happened to you. As you try to tell your own story, so vivid in your own mind, try hard to realise how easy it is to sound angry and hysterical. That is part of the nature of being a traumatised victim. But it can be very fulfilling, and liberating to tell your story, to name the criminals and gangsters, and call them by their true names. Indeed, the truth does set you free in some ways, and speaking it has therapeutic value for your suffering.

But also, be aware of just how dangerous it is to tell your story. Innocent people have suffered false criminal charges and jail, just because they dared to speak the truth on the internet. What about freedom of speech, you ask? Well, freedom of speech is dead in the USA, if the judges will not enforce it, and if the lawyers will not fight for it. And now of course we have social media and internet search engines censoring people outright, including legal system victims, because those sites run by billionaires, want to help other rich people with whom they partner in running the USA.

And judges and lawyers are especially eager to stamp out those who criticise the American legal system, giving 'court orders' to search engines to hide the truth and help spread lies favouring those bribing the judges. This FAQ itself, had to be written from a safe haven in Europe, after I escaped over the border from judge-backed criminals threatening to end my life.

One does wish there was more to recommend, for particular cases, for the many victims of America's horrifying legal system. But it may be a comfort in itself to you, as well as save you much time and money, to realise there is often not much you can do, from inside the USA. So many other people have tried, and too often failed, and even died, in the same endless battle.

You are not alone as a victim of America's crooked judges and lawyers. There are many others like you, "more than you know", some of whom you can meet on the internet. But regrettably, there is likely no clever strategy you can use to salvage your own situation, there is no white knight 'someone' who is out there to help you and save you. A few people have had a good turn of luck, a little miracle, or just people forgetting about them with the passage of time, as they moved on to new victims. The odds are against this, but it does happen. Every case is different, every story of survival is a different one.

Good luck to all who read this amidst the trauma of being a USA legal system victim ... may the divine spiritual powers protect you if you are one.

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30. What is the best thing happening to fight judicial and legal corruption in America?

When this FAQ was first composed in 2005, there was a very noble active grass-roots organisation bringing together many legal system victims and their supporters, called 'JAIL 4 Judges', the word JAIL also being an acronym for 'Judicial Accountability Initiative Law'.

This organisation, founded by the Rev. Ron Branson, was the last best hope for judicial and legal reform inside the USA. Its basic, simple and appealing idea, was that judges should be able to be held accountable by the people, instead of non-accountable like they are now, where judges cover up for each other.

The mechanism for popular supervision over judges, was at core an adaptation and revival of the 'citizens grand jury' concept. Although it is near-universal now that grand juries which issue criminal indictments, are called by prosecutors, in the past, common USA citizens have been able to convene a grand jury on their own, to weigh in on crimes committed, to which the regular police and law enforcement are not paying attention.

JAIL 4 Judges had the brilliant idea to restore this practice, as a basic mechanism of democracy and justice, by which judges can be called to account by citizens themselves, even if the judge-lawyer-prosecutor-politician mafia was ignoring the judicial misconduct. Judges, lawyers and politicians hated this idea with a passion, precisely because it is so beautiful and instantly appealing to the public.

The high-water mark for Jail 4 Judges was getting its proposal on the ballot in an election in South Dakota in 2006. Many of us had hopes, that this wonderful proposal in South Dakota, could be the beginning of destroying the wicked arbitrary power of America's judges and the abuses that resulted from that power, once similar initiatives spread across the country. Jail 4 Judges, if passed nationally, would go a long way toward remedying one of the most serious missing elements in the framework of America's 1789 Constitution.

The current corporate powers of America, used to corrupt judges as their servants, were fully against this proposal, of course, and a great deal of money was spent to defeat the proposal, with adverts that confused the public, and a hostile media also smearing the proposal on behalf of their friends in the judge-lawyer mafia. Only the people supported the measure; all the money-mafias were against it.

The vote total was ridiculous, and smacked of ballot fraud ... it was reported that almost no one voted to try to end judicial corruption, and that the number of people voting for JAIL for Judges, was even less than the number of people who signed the original petition to get it on the ballot!

Jail 4 Judges continued as an active web presence for a few years, but its communications were hounded and harassed by the tech censorship tools which have now become much worse, and nothing quite has replaced it as a major anti-legal-corruption movement.

Every now and then you will see a request come out, that either some Congress-person, or some reporter or producer in the media, would like to know about specific cases of legal corruption. That person then gets flooded with material, supplied by people around the country, and even from ex-Americans in other countries. And then, the big fizzle and fade-away, as the politicians or media reporter realises that for their own good, they better stay away from this hot potato. 

There continue to be various websites trying to do things in this area, but it is difficult for anyone to get much off the ground in this field, given the lack of funding, lack of lawyers, and lack of support from media and from internet search companies, which all themselves seek to get favour from judges for their own corporate purposes, plus fear judicial and legal revenge.

Many sites on legal corruption, although perhaps suggesting an 'organisation' or 'movement', are really just an extension of one particular situation, or sometimes are a group of people all hit by the same evildoer or in a local context. Other sites serve to share ideas via newsletters, people hearing something of what others are doing and trying to do. Still other sites try to hit upon strategies that will finally get major media or politicians to 'do something' about this legal-judicial hell into which so many Americans have been put. People have also attempted to make films, and sometimes have posted some videos of various usefulness in certain legal areas.

Yet it seems that, ever since an un-funded, un-lawyered Jail 4 Judges, was harassed and hounded into non-activity - its noble founder getting elderly, his brave wife passing away - there has been something terribly missing, with no great central voice about the US judicial corrupton monster.

That perhaps is on the verge of changing, as the social and political upheavals of 2020, make it clear that, however unknown the future, the USA is entering a new phase of its existence, with a revolutionary level of changes in the air. This tide of change must inevitably come to include the corruption of courts and lawyers.

Not far beneath the surface of issues of racial tension, is the fact that many tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of minority people of colour, have been jailed although innocent, by a horrifically unjust legal, court, and prosecutorial system, with victims often most hellishly damaged and threatened by their very own lawyer supposedly representing them, in many cases the alleged 'public defender'.

Although there is a great deal of urban crime in the USA, the middle classes are seemingly blind to the affect that the people jailed for these crimes, have often been innocent, railroaded patsies for the real criminals, whom authorities found it too much trouble to find.

For the middle classes of USA citizens of European heritage, the false criminal charges are less of an issue, but their own lives are often devastated by legal and court corruption of a different kind, often in family court or in lawsuit depradations stealing homes and assets, this latter particularly affecting small businesses, who do not have the big-corporation ability to buy politicians and bribe judges through their white-shoe law firms, like the big companies can.

And sadly, the nature of USA discourse and life - not aided by an often-corrupt, malicious media seeking to create chaos and division - has blocked the minority peoples of colour, and the European-heritage middle-class, from seeing that they have both been mauled, and continue to be in grave danger from the legal corruption monster.

But now, with the older fabric of USA social life being torn to pieces before our eyes, eventually the gaze of people may well turn on what really needs fixing, and is a common enemy of all non-oligarch USA citizens - the corruption amongst USA lawyers, courts and judges.

If there is a multi-millionaire who really wants to change the United States of America for the better, who really wants to give America a pro-democracy revolution that it badly needs, broad funding for media and activism on judicial and legal corruption, would be the way to do it.

Something like Jail 4 Judges tried to do in the 00 decade, needs to succeed, if the USA is to turn productively away from the disastrous road onto which it is now tumbling.

Currently, the USA mass media is firmly hostile to exposing court corruption, and thus its many victims have no large public voice in the USA, even though the number of victims is huge. That could change overnight if corporations wanted to change it. By publicising a few of the major clear-cut cases of legal and judicial corruption, media would create an unstoppable tide of public opinion in favor of reform of the judicial and legal system. People would start to call for the hanging of many judges from the lamp-posts of America.

But such a revolution would involve actually expanding American democracy, giving power back to people, and ultimately risking that USA workers would want more social benefits and protection, as in Europe. This would come at a price of profits and power that are currently maintained by America's largest corporations and wealthy investors.

But we are perhaps nearing a time, where some sections of the oligarchy, are seeing the need to create a system much less rigged and corrupt, economically, politically and judicially.

If there is a major USA revolution, or USA secession and break-up into pieces, the old judge-lawyer mafia will need to be dealt with, rather aggressively. In any new USA formation, the sleazy lawyers of the courthouse mafias, will try to re-assert themselves in whatever new frameworks take hold ... and that cannot be allowed to happen.

The horrors of USA judicial and legal corruption, need dramatic relief, if freedom, peace and justice are to be restored in its lands and amongst its peoples.

May heaven bring comfort to all of you, who have come to read this FAQ because you were a victim of that system.

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