Tuesday, August 02, 2005

6. Aren't there lawyers who specialize in "legal malpractice" or misconduct by lawyers?

Theoretically, there are a few lawyers who advertise among their specialties, that they are interested in 'legal malpractice' cases. But you will almost certainly find this to be another dead end, as you search for a lawyer to help you.

Lawyers interested in 'legal malpractice' are only interested in defending and protecting lawyers who are accused of crimes and offences - they are not interested in exposing any wrongdoing by other lawyers.

Lawyers who say they are willing to sue other lawyers, are usually only willing to file such lawsuits if it is all right with the judges first. If lawyers have already been publicly targeted as 'going rogue' - for example, stealing client funds and not paying the judges their share; of if the lawyer has become a political loud-mouth not in line with the oligarchy of rich people; or the lawyer is otherwise 'being stupid' and 'not playing the game by the rules' - then, yes, the lawyer can be sued.

But if the lawyer has committed crimes that are fully approved by some judges, or has been serving the high oligarchy of very rich people - in such cases other lawyers will be in fear to speak of facts and evidence. Lawyers who commit crimes in collusion and partnership with judges are usually home free, with other lawyers too terrified to oppose them.

So the first question of a 'legal malpractice' lawyer, is whether some judge, or powerful politician, is already angry at the lawyer in question, and wants to take revenge on the lawyer - in that case the 'legal malpractice' lawyer might be willing to help you. A few narrow types of cases fall into this category - like lawyers who have missed a filing deadline in a personal injury lawsuit, thereby depriving other lawyers and judges of legal fees and bribery money.

The lawyers, and the judges supporting them, will also tolerate a few lawsuits about legal misconduct, where the lawyers have engaged in malpractice or misconduct that hurts the big corporations or their shareholders. The judges and lawyers don't care about average citizens, but they do care about big corporations, shareholders, and wealthy people, so they consider evaluating whether a lawyer has provided good service to big corporations and wealthy people, which the judges see as the primary work of all USA lawyers.

Over decades, the US legal system has been built this way on purpose. On the one hand, Hollywood movies and TV sell a very fake picture of the 'great American legal system', so that people without experience of it think there is some justice in it. On the other hand, the system has evolved to work as a mafia of control, so that common people can be easily crushed and thwarted, often unable to get justice for themselves when their lives are being destroyed by the rich and powerful.

As far as the average citizen goes, the average legal system victim, you can pretty much forget about even the so-called 'legal malpractice' lawyers. No matter how clearly you can prove felony crimes by some evil lawyers and judges, the 'legal malpractice' lawyers will almost never help you.

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7. I read about crazy lawsuits for trivial reasons where people win money - so why can't I find a lawyer to fight serious issues of legal corruption?

It's true that there are lots of bogus, malicious, and perverted lawsuits filed in America, for all sorts of trivial and dishonest reasons. And it's true that some of these lawsuits even win money, where somebody gets a big pile of money for some silly complaint.

But that doesn't mean you will be able to get legal help to fight a crooked lawyer or judge, even though you have massive proof of misconduct and felony crime by the lawyers and the judges.

The legal profession likes the media to tell all those general lawsuit stories. They like the way these stories create terror among people and small businesses, and help induce people to pay more money for lawyers.

The legal profession also likes the media to tell the stories of a few people who win millions of dollars in lawsuits. It is just like in gambling casinos, where the casino will very proudly announce that someone has won a huge jackpot. A few people win big, but most people will lose, and the stories of a few people hitting the 'jackpot' give false hope to all the many people who lose money.

Also, many people who win lots of money in a lawsuit, are people who have serious injuries and medical problems, and who need to spend all that money on America's hugely expensive medical care system.

Lawyers also like to create the impression that, 'You can find a lawyer to sue anybody for almost anything'. This, however, is a lie. It's true that you can find lawyers to file all sorts of silly, worthless and dishonest lawsuits, but only against certain targets.

If you want to make up some lies and sue a doctor or a hospital, lawyers will jump out of the woodwork to help you. If you want to make up some lies and sue a small business, a business that doesn't have any political connections, lawyers will be glad to take your money and play this game along with you. If you want to harass your poor neighbor down the street, and your neighbor doesn't have political protectors, lawyers will be glad to take your money and play the lawsuit game.

But if you want to sue a big powerful company with political connections, lawyers start to slow down a bit. They might take your money and file a lawsuit against that kind of company, but they will start to be a little timid about what they do. And they well might pocket your money, and then take a bribe from the lawyers for the big company to sabotage your case, your lawyer knowing in advance that he will betray you, and you will lose, even as he cashes the first cheque you pay him.

If you want to file a lawsuit against some politician or the government, now things really start to slow down. Lawyers, even broke lawyers desperate for money, will start to walk on eggshells here. They might be willing to file some sort of general administrative lawsuit about this or that, but they also will be very hesitant to expose real wrongdoing by some powerful official, politician or government agency, unless the big corporate media tied to the oligarchy, is itself making a target of that government official. Sometimes, there is a standard framework encouraging the lawyers, such as in charges of police brutality, allowing the lawyers to make claims. But overall, lawyers often hesitate before taking legal action against the government, and will first check to see if higher powers won't be angry at them.

But if you want to sue another lawyer, or file some lawsuit that exposes the misconduct of a dishonest judge, then you will likely hear: No way, buster! This is the territory of career suicide for a lawyer. He might end up losing his license to practice law, and both the lawyer and you might wind up in jail on phony charges. You can keep on asking several thousand lawyers, like other people have done, and yet never find a single lawyer who is willing to file a lawsuit against another lawyer who is crooked. You can have lots of money, and total proof of crime by the guilty lawyers, and yet you may never find a lawyer to truly help you.

That's the reality of 'how the game is played' in the USA legal system.

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8. I had a lawyer in my original legal case, but he acted weak, timid and stupid in the courtroom, he didn't try to strongly defend me - Why was that?

USA lawyers live in perpetual fear of the judge-lawyer mafia that can instantly end their career. The fear of judges also changes their legal behavior in regular legal cases, too, even cases that don't seem (at first) to involve judicial or legal corruption.

When you talk with a lawyer in his office, you may hear him or her talk about all sorts of wonderful things the lawyer promises to do for you - all sorts of countersuits that will be filed, all sorts of things the lawyer will say to defend you. The lawyer can sound like a smart, caring, effective person.

But then you may find, when it comes to the actual legal filings, or the lawyer's performance in the courtroom, your lawyer is suddenly a wimp and an idiot. He or she only argues about trivial matters, and forgets to mention the most important evidence about why you are innocent or right.

The reason for this, is that much of what goes on in American courtrooms is phoney and fake, with the outcome decided in advance by the judge and the lawyers. Lawyers don't really work for their clients, in the way they pretend when they are trying to get your money.

The real allegiance of lawyers is to the legal system itself - the legal system that gives them a job, and provides them the opportunity to take money from clients and victims. But the price of that opportunity, is being willing to betray or abandon that client, whenever the judicial-legal mafia wants that to happen.

So the ultimate loyalty of lawyers is not to the client. Their loyalty is channelled through judges, into service for the government or 'deep state', or for the rich people or corporations who pay big bribes.

Even though you might have given a lot of money to 'your' lawyer, the judge might have gotten a really big bribe from the other side. The judge may even have received instructions or threats. In the USA, sometimes even federal judges get shot dead on the street, after they make a few 'wrong' rulings not helping the rich and powerful. This is part of why the big corporations usually win their cases against the little person.

Your lawyer is more like a crooked television pro wrestler, who gets paid to 'take a dive', to intentionally lose, in a rigged, pre-arranged wrestling match. He pretends to fight a little bit, then he lays down while the judge / referee counts to 10.

Lawyers are submissive to the judges in the way that they present their cases. If the judge doesn't want to hear something, the lawyer will try to avoid presenting those facts or arguments. Hence, very often, the truth is never spoken, the motion is never filed, the claims are not made, the facts are not presented. The person whom you imagine is 'your' lawyer, trims and narrows the presentation to make it pleasing to the judge, and to the forces of wealth, power and government that the judge represents. Your lawyer may well be bribed by the other side's lawyers, to help him along in betraying you.

If the lawyers don't play along with this game, they may suffer the destruction of their careers, or even be railroaded into prison.

This is also how so many poor people and minorities are sent to prison, even though they are completely innocent. They are shoved into accepting a 'plea bargain', with no jury trial, by the lies and deceptions of a 'public defender' lawyer, who is trying to hold onto his job. If the 'public defender' does not cooperate with the judge and prosecutors in railroading poor people into jail, he can be pushed out of work, or even suffer worse revenge, like being disbarred or jailed on false charges himself.

In lawsuits between people and big companies, the big corporations and rich people who pay for the bribes, may not even specifically talk about bribery with their lawyer. They hire a lawyer with "connections", pay him $500 an hour or whatever he asks, and don't ask any questions about the details. The lawyers themselves have lots of cash floating around in their pockets, and wait for a discreet moment to pass it to the judge. If you have a chance to talk frankly with USA lawyers, they will acknowledge bribery is commonplace.

A big difference between the USA and developing countries, is that in poorer countries the bribes are more obviously paid directly to public officials. The USA is 'more sophisticated', in that the bribes are often passed through the lawyers and law firms. The USA also involves significantly 'delayed' bribes to public officials. Maybe the FBI director doesn't receive cash whilst in the job, but afterwards, the law firms whose bribery and corruption he indulged, give him a job paying many hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

Often, the judge and the lawyers agree among themselves about how it's all going to 'go down', with the end result decided in advance, and as a legal system victim, you merely hear the result of what the gangsters tell you is 'the best deal possible', according to 'your' lawyer, whose job is to sell the deal to you, threatening you if necessary, and compel you to go along. 'Your' lawyer may well begin to threaten or intimidate you, even describe how you will be killed in a fake accident or suicide, if you do not go along. If a lawyer tries to fight this system, the lawyer and the client both, might be quickly crushed and destroyed. American lawyers learn quickly that they must 'play the game' if they are to survive at all, and they are shown the stories of the lawyers who lost their law licence in their own neighbourhood.

There are lawyers who wish they could help people more. But they find themselves too afraid to take the actions they know should be taken, to really defend and fight for their clients. America's lawyers are themselves in fear, trained to be submissive and timid to America's judges and mafia 'bar ethics' groups, as the only way to get the rewards of a legal career.

In fact, it is essentially impossible to find radical, bold, brave lawyers like there were in an earlier day, or like you imagine from television and movies. The author of this FAQ is living proof of that. The judges don't allow honest, brave lawyers to survive very long. Such lawyers have been successfully suppressed, disbarred, jailed, or otherwise intimidated and constrained.

That is why when you try to confront judicial and legal corruption, you are usually very much alone and without any legal help.

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